Welcome to Inquisit
A project about igniting curiosity and exploring diverse academic adventures. I hope you find value in this blog as a source of inspiration and a platform for showcasing your own interdisciplinary pursuits.
The Blog
Science and philosophy have been like two peas in a pod throughout history. Back in the day, those bearded Greek pioneers didn't bother with drawing lines. They were suckers for knowledge from every angle possible.
Fast forward to the past three centuries, and science got chopped up into all these restrictive disciplines. Sure, each field is making strides, but we're missing out on the broader perspective.
We're here to shake things up and tap into that holistic approach to inquiry. This is where science meets philosophy and everything in between.
The People
Hi, I’m Darshan, a gap-year student just having bid farewell to Sahyadri School. I’m interested in studying AI and Cognitive Science through an array of interdisciplinary lenses.
Hey, I'm Neesh! Also still recovering from Sahyadri Separation Syndrome. Bringing my knack for killer design to life exploring the frustrating, yet fulfilling world that is learning to code.